Monday, June 14, 2010

Birthers? Unnecessary.

From an Unknown Source:


What is certain is 1 fact; it’s not speculation; it’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s not based on rumor or the allegations or speculations of his opponents or supporters. It’s a fact he proclaims every day, and asserts about himself in his biography, Dreams from My Father.

1) We are certain that his father is Barrack Hussein Obama, Sr., a man who was a subject of the British empire on Aug. 4, 1961, and a transient alien in the U.S.A..

2) This one fact proves that according to the
British Nationality Act of 1948, that — let’s call him by this name for the sake of ease — Barack Hussein Obama II was at birth a British subject.

3) And this conclusion in law, in turn, proves that he is not a
natural born citizen of the United States of America; because according to 4 rulings of the Supreme Court, a natural born citizen is, “one born in the country of parents who are citizens,” and since his claimed father was a British subject, not a U.S. Citizen, even if Obama is a U.S. Citizen, he is not a natural born citizen. (It is important to note that “natural born” is a legal term, “natural-born” can be used also for the medical term, of a natural birth without caesarean insection).

4) And this conclusion, in turn, proves that he is not eligible to hold, accept or retain the office of President of the United States, on account of the absolute prohibition in Article II, Section i, paragraph 5, of the U.S. Constitution, that the president be a “natural born citizen.”

5) And this conclusion, in turn, proves in law that Barack Hussein Obama is not the lawful president of the U.S.A., and that none of the laws he signs, the appointments he makes, or the actions he takes are binding in law on anybody.

6) And this establishes that in law he is a usurper, a pretender, and not the lawful Commander-in-chief of the U.S. military.

7) And this proves, beyond the shadow of doubt, that the U.S.A. is currently in its greatest Constitutional Crisis.

So don’t get confused by speculation, rumor, or conspiracy theories. This 1 fact and its consequences in law are all that is necessary to act as a concerned citizen, and to vote accordingly, to march on Washington, D.C., or to justify his immediate and peaceful arrest by lawful authorities in any jurisdiction.

So this is very clear and simple. It distills the issue nicely.

Its NOT a birth certificate issue. Its a technical argument based on citizenship law. Under the law, the best he can be is a dual citizen REGARDLESS of where he was born. That’s why he keep the cvertificate hidden – so the discussion stays on the paperwork and not on the law.

Now can we please go remove this asshole from office and get about the business of cleaning up his mess?

Let’s make sure we don’t have to repeat this stupid experiment again in the future.

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